These packages aren’t included in the ET distribution. So, you need to
download them separately.
Some methods of the Ellipsoidal Toolbox, namely,
- distance
- intersect
- isInside
- doesContain
- ellintersection_ia
- ellunion_ea
require solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problems.
We use CVX [CVXHP] as an interface to an external SDP solver. CVX is a
reliable toolbox for solving SDP problems of high dimensionality. CVX is
implemented in Matlab, effectively turning Matlab into an optimization
modeling language. Model specifications are constructed using common
Matlab operations and functions, and standard Matlab code can be freely
mixed with these specifications. This combination makes it simple to
perform the calculations needed to form optimization problems, or to
process the results obtained from their solution. CVX distribution
includes two freeware solvers: SeDuMi ([STUR1999], [SDMHP])
and SDPT3 [SDPT3HP]. The default solver used in the toolbox
is SeDuMi.